
People Planet Pints!

Multiple dates

People Planet Pint is the place to go for hope and encouragement on what's happening locally and just to connect with others in the climate community.

There are several PPPs happening throughout November, all around the world. There's sure to be one near you!

COP29: What was agreed and what does it mean for tech?

28th November, 12 - 1pm GMT

techUK is running a webinar to discuss what the COP 29 talks in Azerbaijan mean for the tech sector.

With the UN predicting 3 degree warming and a backdrop of the talks happening without full US engagement and not much private sector investment, it’s understandable that the tech sector may see this COP as a damp squib, however there will be a lot to discuss. The climate finance agenda is significant, and unlocking money is the main focus of this round of talks, but we also expect progress on carbon markets and hopefully some more information on the solutions the finance will be spent on.

Tech Led Decarbonisation Showcase Winter 2024

11th December, 10am - 2pm

Investors and interested stakeholders can hear from some of the very best digital tech innovators on how their solutions can help organisations deliver lower emissions.

The event will include ‘lightning presentations’ of around 10 minutes in which our innovators will pitch to organisations looking to utilise more technology in their net zero journey. This will then be followed by a Q&A session to address any specific questions or areas of collaboration before a networking lunch.